Vol. 1, No. 2
Happy Friday!
Sometimes I read something that reminds me so strongly of a past interview that I have to listen again or at least re-read the transcript. This short "flashback" newsletter was inspired by a recent New York Times Article. If you haven't already seen the article, A Love Letter to Libraries, Long Overdue, please have a look. If you love books and libraries like I do, I promise you will love this article. If you aren't a New York Times subscriber, you'll be able to access this article via the link above for the next 2 weeks.
Building More Inclusive Communities with the Help of Public Libraries
In a September, 2021 podcast episode, we spoke with two librarians:
- Karin Michels, from the Chapel Hill Public Libary and
- Sara Voels, from the Cedar Rapids Public Libary.

It was a pleasure to be able to talk with these librarians who are working every day to make their community, and their library, more inclusive and welcoming for all. It served as a great reminder to me of the important role libraries and librarians play in our communities.
I never thought that our public libraries across the country would become battlegrounds in today's culture wars, but in many communities, sadly, they have. News flash. Our local public libraries belong to the community, to all of us.
It might not take the form of a love letter, like the New York Times. It could be a small thank you note, a donation, volunteering your time, or just letting the staff know they are appreciated next time you drop by. What we shouldn't do is ever take them for granted.
In this episode, Sarah Voels told us about Dr. Rudine Sims Bishop and her seminal article about how books can act as Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Glass Doors. Here's a text to that article and a link to a related short video of an interview with Dr Bishop. This powerful analogy serves to remind us of the power of books and libraries to build empathy and open ourselves to others.
“The public library is where place and possibility meet.”
― Stuart Dybek

This section on self work was in our last newsletter. I would still love to hear from you.
Tell me about a time you felt included.
Feel free to share your response by opening this post HERE and leaving a comment.
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Thanks for reading. If you're interested in building a more inclusive community and world, I'm sure you know others who are too. Please share this newsletter with a colleague or friend.
Each one of us can make a difference. Together we make change. -Barbara Mikulski